When I am editing source files using vim and other editors sometimes at the end of the line I get these ^M characters at the end of each line. I think that it has something
mcedit: shift+f2, set unix format (LF), ok
I tend to run afflicted files through fromdos
before reopening them. fromdos
is part of the tofrodos package.
" put this in your ~/.vimrc file and :source ~/.vimrc
" then you can do: Dos2Unix
" dos2unix ^M
fun! Dos2unixFunction()
let _s=@/
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
set ff=unix
catch /E32:/
echo "Sorry, first save the file."
let @/=_s
call cursor(l, c)
com! Dos2Unix keepjumps call Dos2unixFunction()