I know that this issue has been posted many times, but for me it seems to be a different problem.
Indeed, this error
Warning: require(vendor/autol
@Bashir almost helped me but I needed:
composer update --no-scripts
I found the answer here: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/general-discussion/fatal-error-class-illuminatefoundationapplication-not-found-in-pathtoprojectbootstrapappphp-on-line-14?page=0
Change the auto_prepend_file property on php.ini
; Automatically add files before PHP document.
auto_prepend_file =
First, review route inside index.php
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
in my case the route did not work, I had to review the directories.
I was able to resolve by removing composer and reinstalling the proper way. Here is what I did:
I was then able to get composer install to work again. Found my answer at the bottom of this issue: https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/5510