I know that this issue has been posted many times, but for me it seems to be a different problem.
Indeed, this error
Warning: require(vendor/autol
If you have cloned your project from Github or got it from somewhere else, you will encounter this error. That's because you are missing the vendor folder and other files. The vendor folder contains packages which are dependent to your project. The package dependencies are stored in composer.json
file and the folder was excluded while pushing to Github.
Fix this error by simply running:
composer install
Then you will get all the assets needed for your project.
What you're missing is running composer install
, which will import your packages and create the vendor folder, along with the autoload script.
Make sure your relative path is correct. For example the example scripts in PHPMailer are in examples/
, below the project root, so the correct relative path to load the composer autoloader from there would be ../vendor/autoload.php
The autoload.php you found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vendor\autoload.php
is probably a global composer installation – where you'll usually put things like phpcs, phpunit, phpmd etc.
composer update
is not the same thing, and probably not what you want to use. If your code is tested with your current package versions then running update
may cause breakages which may require further work and testing, so don't run update
unless you have a specific reason to and understand exactly what it means. To clarify further – you should probably only ever run composer update
locally, never on your server as it is reasonably likely to break apps in production.
I often see complaints that people can't use composer because they can't run it on their server (e.g. because it's shared and they have no shell access). In that case, you can still use composer: run it locally (an environment that has no such restrictions), and upload the local vendor folder it generates along with all your other PHP scripts.
Running composer update
also performs a composer install
, and if you do not currently have a vendor
folder (normal if you have a fresh checkout of a project), then it will create one, and also overwrite any composer.lock
file you already have, updating package versions tagged in it, and this is what is potentially dangerous.
Similarly, if you do not currently have a composer.lock
file (e.g. if it was not committed to the project), then composer install
also effectively performs a composer update
. It's thus vital to understand the difference between the two as they are definitely not interchangeable.
It is also possible to update a single package by naming it, for example:
composer update ramsey/uuid
This will re-resolve the version specified in your composer.json
and install it in your vendor folder, and update your composer.lock
file to match. This is far less likely to cause problems than a general composer update
if you just need a specific update to one package.
It is normal for libraries to not include a composer.lock
file of their own; it's up to apps to fix versions, not the libraries they use. As a result, library developers are expected to maintain compatibility with a wider range of host environments than app developers need to. For example, a library might be compatible with Laravel 5, 6, 7, and 8, but an app using it might require Laravel 8 for other reasons.
Composer 2.0 (out soon) should remove any remaining inconsistencies between install and update results.
This error occurs because of missing some files and the main reason is "Composer"
First Run these commands in CMD
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'e0012edf3e80b6978849f5eff0d4b4e4c79ff1609dd1e613307e16318854d24ae64f26d17af3ef0bf7cfb710ca74755a') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
Create a New project
laravel new New_Project
After that start the server using
php artisan serve
There will be a directory called "vendor" that needs to be in your root directory if you have a cloned repository and trying to set up that time this type of error occurring.
".gitingore" file has written code to not include vendor directory on GIT so after cloning GIT your project facing the issue of missing vendor directory.
Once you add vendor directory your project will start working again.
First make sure you have installed the composer.
composer install
If you already have installed then update the composer.
composer update
configuration:A) Quick answer:
Your autoload.php path is wrong. ie. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vendor\autoload.php
To date: you need to change it to: C:\Users\<Windows User Name>\vendor\autoload.php
B) Steps with example:
We will take facebook/php-graph-sdk as an example; change to Package Name
as needed.
composer require facebook/graph-sdk
require_once 'C:\Users\<Windows User Name>\vendor\autoload.php';
and Access Token
for your package...etc.C) Further details:
Installing composer on windows will set this default path for your pacakges; you can find them there and include the autoloader path:
C:\Users\<Windows User Name>\vendor
For the same question you asked; the answer was this path for WAMP Server 64 BIT for Windows.
Then simply in your PHP Application change this:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'C:\Users\<Windows User Name>\vendor\autoload.php';
Find your windows username under C:\Users\
Before all this, as pointed before in B) , you need to run this command:
composer require <package name>
for facebook php SDK for example:
composer require facebook/graph-sdk
Thank you for asking this question; appreciated as it helped me fix similar issue and ended writing this simple tutorial.