is notoriously hard to search for on Google Search, but the best I\'ve found is this article which says to use -and
It depends on the context, but here's an example of "-and" in action:
get-childitem | where-object { $_.Name.StartsWith("f") -and $_.Length -gt 10kb }
So that's getting all the files bigger than 10kb in a directory whose filename starts with "f".
PS C:\> $MyVar = "C:\MyTxt.txt"
PS C:\> ($MyVar -ne $null) -and (Get-Content $MyVar)
($MyVar -ne $null)
returned true and (Get-Content $MyVar)
also returned true.
PS C:\> $MyVar = $null
PS C:\> ($MyVar -ne $null) -and (Get-Content $MyVar)
($MyVar -ne $null)
returned false and so far I must assume the (Get-Content $MyVar)
also returned false.
PS C:\> ($MyVar -ne $null) -and (Get-Content "C:\MyTxt.txt")
($MyVar -ne $null)
returned false and proved the second condition (Get-Content "C:\MyTxt.txt")
never ran, by returning false on the whole command.
Very old question, but for the newcomers: maybe the PowerShell version (similar but not equivalent) that the question is looking for, is to use -and
as follows:
(build_command) -and (run_tests_command)
Try this:
$errorActionPreference='Stop'; csc /t:exe /out:a.exe SomeFile.cs; a.exe
if (start-process filename1.exe) {} else {start-process filename2.exe}
It's a little longer than "&&", but it accomplishes the same thing without scripting and is not too hard to remember.
We can try this command instead of using && method:
try {hostname; if ($lastexitcode -eq 0) {ipconfig /all | findstr /i bios}} catch {echo err} finally {}