I have the following data, and I need to put it all into one line.
I have this:
$ perl -0777 -pe 's/\n+//g' input >output
$ perl -0777 -pe 'tr/\n//d' input >output
Was having the same case today, super easy in vim or nvim, you can use gJ
to join lines. For your use case, just do
this will join all your 99 lines. You can adjust the number 99
as need according to how many lines to join. If just join 1 line, then only gJ
is good enough.
Nerd fact: use ASCII instead.
tr -d '\012' < filename.extension
(Edited cause i didn't see the friggin' answer that had same solution, only difference was that mine had ASCII)
consumes newlines as well (but adds a final trailing newline):
xargs < file.txt | tr -d ' '
I would do it with awk, e.g.
awk '/[0-9]+/ { a = a $0 ";" } END { print a }' file.txt
(a disadvantage is that a is "accumulated" in memory).
Forgot about printf! So also
awk '/[0-9]+/ { printf "%s;", $0 }' file.txt
or likely better, what it was already given in the other ans using awk.
I usually get this usecase when I'm copying a code snippet from a file and I want to paste it into a console without adding unnecessary new lines, I ended up doing a bash alias
( i called it oneline
if you are curious )
xsel -b -o | tr -d '\n' | tr -s ' ' | xsel -b -i
xsel -b -o
reads my clipboard
tr -d '\n'
removes new lines
tr -s ' '
removes recurring spaces
xsel -b -i
pushes this back to my clipboard
after that I would paste the new contents of the clipboard into oneline in a console or whatever.