What\'s the best way to determine whether or not a string is the result of the serialize()
If the $string is a serialized false
value, ie $string = 'b:0;'
SoN9ne's function returns false
, it's wrong
so the function would be
* Check if a string is serialized
* @param string $string
* @return bool
function is_serialized_string($string)
return ($string == 'b:0;' || @unserialize($string) !== false);
There is WordPress solution: (detail is here)
function is_serialized($data, $strict = true)
// if it isn't a string, it isn't serialized.
if (!is_string($data)) {
return false;
$data = trim($data);
if ('N;' == $data) {
return true;
if (strlen($data) < 4) {
return false;
if (':' !== $data[1]) {
return false;
if ($strict) {
$lastc = substr($data, -1);
if (';' !== $lastc && '}' !== $lastc) {
return false;
} else {
$semicolon = strpos($data, ';');
$brace = strpos($data, '}');
// Either ; or } must exist.
if (false === $semicolon && false === $brace)
return false;
// But neither must be in the first X characters.
if (false !== $semicolon && $semicolon < 3)
return false;
if (false !== $brace && $brace < 4)
return false;
$token = $data[0];
switch ($token) {
case 's' :
if ($strict) {
if ('"' !== substr($data, -2, 1)) {
return false;
} elseif (false === strpos($data, '"')) {
return false;
// or else fall through
case 'a' :
case 'O' :
return (bool)preg_match("/^{$token}:[0-9]+:/s", $data);
case 'b' :
case 'i' :
case 'd' :
$end = $strict ? '$' : '';
return (bool)preg_match("/^{$token}:[0-9.E-]+;$end/", $data);
return false;
* some people will look down on this little puppy
function isSerialized($s){
stristr($s, '{' ) != false &&
stristr($s, '}' ) != false &&
stristr($s, ';' ) != false &&
stristr($s, ':' ) != false
return true;
return false;
Despite Pascal MARTIN's excellent answer, I was curious if you could approach this another way, so I did this just as a mental exercise
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
ini_set( 'track_errors', 1 );
error_reporting( E_ALL );
$valueToUnserialize = serialize( false );
//$valueToUnserialize = "a"; # uncomment this for another test
$unserialized = @unserialize( $valueToUnserialize );
if ( FALSE === $unserialized && isset( $php_errormsg ) && strpos( $php_errormsg, 'unserialize' ) !== FALSE )
echo 'Value could not be unserialized<br>';
echo $valueToUnserialize;
} else {
echo 'Value was unserialized!<br>';
var_dump( $unserialized );
And it actually works. The only caveat is that it will likely break if you have a registered error handler because of how $php_errormsg works.
$data = @unserialize($str);
if($data !== false || $str === 'b:0;')
echo 'ok';
echo "not ok";
Correctly handles the case of serialize(false)
. :)