This should be a simple task, but I have seen several attempts on how to get the path to the directory where the executed cmdlet is located with mixed success. For instance,
Yes, that should work. But if you need to see the absolute path, this is all you need:
(Get-Item .).FullName
The easiest method seems to be to use the following predefined variable:
about_Automatic_Variables and about_Scripts both state:
In PowerShell 2.0, this variable is valid only in script modules (.psm1). Beginning in PowerShell 3.0, it is valid in all scripts.
I use it like this:
$MyFileName = "data.txt"
$filebase = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $MyFileName
You would think that using '.\' as the path means that it's the invocation path. But not all the time. Example, if you use it inside a job ScriptBlock. In which case, it might point to %profile%\Documents.
To expand on @Cradle 's answer: you could also write a multi-purpose function that will get you the same result per the OP's question:
Function Get-AbsolutePath {
if (Test-Path -Path $relativePath) {
return (Get-Item -Path $relativePath).FullName -replace "\\$", ""
} else {
Write-Error -Message "'$relativePath' is not a valid path" -ErrorId 1 -ErrorAction Stop
In Powershell 3 and above you can simply use