This is a program I wrote to calculate Pythagorean triplets. When I run the program it prints each set of triplets twice because of the if statement. Is there any way I can
I wrote that program in Ruby and it similar to the python implementation. The important line is:
if x*x == y*y + z*z && gcd(y,z) == 1:
Then you have to implement a method that return the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two given numbers. A very simple example in Ruby again:
def gcd(a, b)
while b != 0
t = b
b = a%b
a = t
return a
The full Ruby methon to find the triplets would be:
def find_triple(upper_boundary)
(5..upper_boundary).each {|c|
(4..c-1).each {|b|
(3..b-1).each {|a|
if (a*a + b*b == c*c && gcd(a,b) == 1)
puts "#{a} \t #{b} \t #{c}"