I need to determine whether a selected UIColor (picked by the user) is dark or bright, so I can change the color of a line of text that sits on top of that color, for better
If you prefer the block version:
BOOL (^isDark)(UIColor *) = ^(UIColor *color){
const CGFloat *component = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
CGFloat brightness = ((component[0] * 299) + (component[1] * 587) + (component[2] * 114)) / 1000;
if (brightness < 0.75)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isColorLight:(UIColor*)color
CGFloat white = 0;
[color getWhite:&white alpha:nil];
return (white >= .85);
Added Swift 5
var white: CGFloat = 0.0
color.getWhite(&white, alpha: nil)
return white >= .85 // Don't use white background