I have multiple Node applications (build on Express framework).
Now I have placed them like this -
You can use app.use():
.use('/app1', require('./app1/index').app)
.use('/app2', require('./app2/index').app)
You could run them as seperate apps listening to different ports and then have a proxy (like https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/ ) serving everything on 8080 depending on the requested URL.
var options = {
router: {
'foo.com/baz': '',
'foo.com/buz': '',
'bar.com/buz': ''
Works like charm for me ( http://nerdpress.org/2012/04/20/hosting-multiple-express-node-js-apps-on-port-80/). I wasn't so keen on having them mounted as sub-apps, as suggested in the comments because i wanted them to run independently...
You can create one main app(say app) parallel to you apps, and have it initializing the secondary apps (in your case app1, app2, app3) using
app.use('<the_context_you_need>', require('./app1/yourApp.js')
All your apps (app1, app2, app3) need to create app and export it by using
var app = module.exports = express();
You need not create instance of server or call app.listen in all the subapps; all the sub-apps can be served via main app listen port.