Is there a way to import CSV or JSON to firebase cloud firestore like in firebase realtime database?
You need a custom script to do that.
I wrote one based on the Firebase admin SDK, as long as firebase library does not allow you to import nested arrays of data.
const admin = require('./node_modules/firebase-admin');
const serviceAccount = require("./service-key.json");
const data = require("./data.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: ""
data && Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
const nestedContent = data[key];
if (typeof nestedContent === "object") {
Object.keys(nestedContent).forEach(docTitle => {
.then((res) => {
console.log("Document successfully written!");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error writing document: ", error);
Update: I wrote an article on this topic - Filling Firestore with data
For reference. I wrote a function that helps to import and export data in Firestore.
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
var serviceAccount = require('./serviceAccountKey.json');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: ''
const csv = require('csv-parser');
const fs = require('fs');
const firestore = admin.firestore();
// CSV FILE data.csv
// Name,Surname,Age,Gender
// John,Snow,26,M
// Clair,White,33,F
// Fancy,Brown,78,F
.on('data', (row) => {
if(row) {
name: row.Name,
surname: row.Surname,
age: row.Age,
sex: row.Gender
else {
console.log('No data')
.on('end', () => {
console.log('CSV file successfully processed');
There is not, you'll need to write your own script at this time.
If the names of your collections are not only composed of numbers, then you can define the name of the document as follows.
} else {
// Collection's length of is always odd.
for (const key in data) {
// // Resolve each collection.
// If key is a number it means that it is not a collection
// The variable id in this case will be the name of the document field or you
// can generate randomly
let id = !isNaN(key) ? data[key].id : key;
await resolve(data[key], [...path, id]);
In the same way as in the example above, the name of the sub-collection can not contain only numbers.
for (const key in data) {
// Resolve each collection and remove it from document data.
if (isCollection(data[key], [...path, key])) {
// Remove a collection from the document data.
delete documentData[key];
// If key is a number it means that it is not a collection
// The variable id in this case will be the name of the document field or you
// can generate randomly
let id = !isNaN(key) ? data[key].id : key;
// Resolve a colleciton.
resolve(data[key], [...path, id]);
Note.: Changes in @Maciej Caputa's code