Right now I have the following in my .vimrc
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h !ctags -R
There are a few problems with this:
Auto Tag is a vim plugin that updates existing tag files on save.
I've been using it for years without problems, with the exception that it enforces a maximum size on the tags files. Unless you have a really large set of code all indexed in the same tags file, you shouldn't hit that limit, though.
Note that Auto Tag requires Python support in vim.
I've noticed this is an old thread, however... Use incron in *nix like environments supporting inotify. It will always launch commands whenever files in a directory change. i.e.,
/home/me/Code/c/that_program IN_DELETE,IN_CLOSE_WRITE ctags --sort=yes *.c
That's it.
On OSX this command will not work out of the box, at least not for me.
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h silent! !ctags -R &
I found a post, which explains how to get the standard ctags version that contains the -R option. This alone did not work for me. I had to add /usr/local/bin to the PATH variable in .bash_profile in order to pick up the bin where Homebrew installs programs.
The --append
option is indeed the way to go. Used with a grep -v
, we can update only one tagged file. For instance, here is a excerpt of an unpolished plugin that addresses this issue. (NB: It will require an "external" library plugin)
" Options {{{1
let g:tags_options_cpp = '--c++-kinds=+p --fields=+imaS --extra=+q'
function! s:CtagsExecutable()
let tags_executable = lh#option#Get('tags_executable', s:tags_executable, 'bg')
return tags_executable
function! s:CtagsOptions()
let ctags_options = lh#option#Get('tags_options_'.&ft, '')
let ctags_options .= ' '.lh#option#Get('tags_options', '', 'wbg')
return ctags_options
function! s:CtagsDirname()
let ctags_dirname = lh#option#Get('tags_dirname', '', 'b').'/'
return ctags_dirname
function! s:CtagsFilename()
let ctags_filename = lh#option#Get('tags_filename', 'tags', 'bg')
return ctags_filename
function! s:CtagsCmdLine(ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = s:CtagsExecutable().' '.s:CtagsOptions().' -f '.a:ctags_pathname
return cmd_line
" ######################################################################
" Tag generating functions {{{1
" ======================================================================
" Interface {{{2
" ======================================================================
" Mappings {{{3
" inoremap <expr> ; <sid>Run('UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile',';')
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent :call <sid>UpdateCurrent()<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent', 'n')
nmap <silent> <c-x>tc <Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CTagsUpdateAll :call <sid>UpdateAll()<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>CTagsUpdateAll', 'n')
nmap <silent> <c-x>ta <Plug>CTagsUpdateAll
" ======================================================================
" Auto command for automatically tagging a file when saved {{{3
augroup LH_TAGS
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost * if ! lh#option#Get('LHT_no_auto', 0) | call s:Run('UpdateTags_for_SavedFile') | endif
aug END
" ======================================================================
" Internal functions {{{2
" ======================================================================
" generate tags on-the-fly {{{3
function! UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile(ctags_pathname)
let source_name = expand('%')
let temp_name = tempname()
let temp_tags = tempname()
" 1- purge old references to the source name
if filereadable(a:ctags_pathname)
" it exists => must be changed
call system('grep -v " '.source_name.' " '.a:ctags_pathname.' > '.temp_tags.
\ ' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname)
" 2- save the unsaved contents of the current file
call writefile(getline(1, '$'), temp_name, 'b')
" 3- call ctags, and replace references to the temporary source file to the
" real source file
let cmd_line = s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' '.source_name.' --append'
let cmd_line .= ' && sed "s#\t'.temp_name.'\t#\t'.source_name.'\t#" > '.temp_tags
let cmd_line .= ' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname
call system(cmd_line)
call delete(temp_name)
return ';'
" ======================================================================
" generate tags for all files {{{3
function! s:UpdateTags_for_All(ctags_pathname)
call delete(a:ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = 'cd '.s:CtagsDirname()
" todo => use project directory
let cmd_line .= ' && '.s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' -R'
echo cmd_line
call system(cmd_line)
" ======================================================================
" generate tags for the current saved file {{{3
function! s:UpdateTags_for_SavedFile(ctags_pathname)
let source_name = expand('%')
let temp_tags = tempname()
if filereadable(a:ctags_pathname)
" it exists => must be changed
call system('grep -v " '.source_name.' " '.a:ctags_pathname.' > '.temp_tags.' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = 'cd '.s:CtagsDirname()
let cmd_line .= ' && ' . s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' --append '.source_name
" echo cmd_line
call system(cmd_line)
" ======================================================================
" (public) Run a tag generating function {{{3
function! LHTagsRun(tag_function)
call s:Run(a:tag_function)
" ======================================================================
" (private) Run a tag generating function {{{3
" See this function as a /template method/.
function! s:Run(tag_function)
let ctags_dirname = s:CtagsDirname()
if strlen(ctags_dirname)==1
throw "tags-error: empty dirname"
let ctags_filename = s:CtagsFilename()
let ctags_pathname = ctags_dirname.ctags_filename
if !filewritable(ctags_dirname) && !filewritable(ctags_pathname)
throw "tags-error: ".ctags_pathname." cannot be modified"
let Fn = function("s:".a:tag_function)
call Fn(ctags_pathname)
catch /tags-error:/
" call lh#common#ErrorMsg(v:exception)
return 0
echo ctags_pathname . ' updated.'
return 1
function! s:Irun(tag_function, res)
call s:Run(a:tag_function)
return a:res
" ======================================================================
" Main function for updating all tags {{{3
function! s:UpdateAll()
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_All')
" Main function for updating the tags from one file {{{3
" @note the file may be saved or "modified".
function! s:UpdateCurrent()
if &modified
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile')
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_SavedFile')
This code defines:
to force the update of the tags base for all the files in the current project ;^Xtc
to force the update of the tags base for the current (unsaved) file ;HTH,
Perhaps use the append argument to ctags as demonstrated by:
I can't really vouch for this as I generally use source insight for code browsing, but use vim as an editor... go figure.
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h silent! !ctags -R &
The downside is that you won't have a useful tags file until it completes. As long as you're on a *nix system it should be ok to do multiple writes before the previous ctags has completed, but you should test that. On a Windows system it won't put it in the background and it'll complain that the file is locked until the first ctags finishes (which shouldn't cause problems in vim, but you'll end up with a slightly outdated tags file).
Note, you could use the --append
option as tonylo suggests, but then you'll have to disable tagbsearch
which could mean that tag searches take a lot longer, depending on the size of your tag file.