I have a simple list of ~25 words. I have a varchar field in PostgreSQL, let\'s say that list is [\'foo\', \'bar\', \'baz\']
. I want to find any row in my table
You can use Postgres' SIMILAR TO operator which supports alternations, i.e.
select * from table where lower(value) similar to '%(foo|bar|baz)%';
One 'elegant' solution would be to use full text search: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/textsearch.html. Then you would use full text search queries.
All currently supported versions (9.5 and up) allow pattern matching in addition to LIKE
Reference: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-matching.html
PostgreSQL also supports full POSIX regular expressions:
select * from table where value ~* 'foo|bar|baz';
The ~*
is for a case insensitive match, ~
is case sensitive.
Another option is to use ANY:
select * from table where value like any (array['%foo%', '%bar%', '%baz%']);
select * from table where value ilike any (array['%foo%', '%bar%', '%baz%']);
You can use ANY with any operator that yields a boolean. I suspect that the regex options would be quicker but ANY is a useful tool to have in your toolbox.
Actually there is an operator for that in PostgreSQL:
FROM table
WHERE lower(value) ~~ ANY('{%foo%,%bar%,%baz%}');