I\'m new to Intellij Idea, i just import a project with pom.xml
, but the ide didn\'t resolve anything in maven dependencies.
Anything defined in p
I had empty settings.xml file in Users/.../.m2/settings.xml. When i added
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
all dependicies were loaded
I had the very same problem as author!
To solve my issue I had to add Maven Integration Plugin: File | Settings | Plugins
Like this:
After that Intellij downloaded all the dependencies from pom.xml file.
Now if I want to create a project based on maven model, I just choose Open on the first Intellij window and choose the pom.xml file:
If you imported your maven project in IntelliJ and there are errors because of maven imports not getting resolved, it maybe because of the custom maven settings.xml you may be using. I tried overriding it in the Intellij default maven settings but it did not help. Finally I had to keep it in ~/.m2/settings.xml and then IntelliJ finally honored it.
With intelliJ 16.1.4 I had the same issue. You should have a look at the Event Log, because it told me "Non-managed pom.xml file found:..." I then clicked on it and the problem was solved.