I\'ve imported a project to Android Studio with several subprojects.
I want to run a subproject.
I successfully made this subproject\'s build.gradle as a mo
Sometimes the errors exists in Android-manifest because of that there is cross like image over run/debug configuration hence try to look over if Android-manifest has any errors in just case.
Well, nothing worked for me from all the answers. Finally, I clicked Run > Edit Configuration. On the left, u can choose a new main module and remove to deleted ones.
In Android Studio 3.1.2 I have faced the same issue. I resolved this issue by click on "File->Sync Project with Gradle Files".This works for me. :)
I managed to fix it in Android Studio 1.3.1 by doing the following:
File -> New -> New Module
file from an existing library module and change the name of the file and rename references in the .iml
fileI added this line to my app.iml file and it works
orderEntry type="library" exported="" name="appcompat-v7-19.1.0" level="project" />
For my case, a newbie I boogered up my project, not sure how but it would not longer run and complained about the manifest, the R, everything. I realized that some how in my settings.gradle did not have include ':app'
once I added this, I was back on my way.