Does anyone know how to remove previously installed provisioning profiles from Xcode?
I have seen this link, but I am not able to find that location in my system.
open your terminal then use this command
cd /Users/youruser/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
check first inside your folder by use this command
then if all files not use, delete by use this command
rm *
In Xcode 6, you can do this mostly right in Xcode:
With Xcode 9.3, this seems to be resolved by cleaning the project, quitting and restarting Xcode, and, after the restart, cleaning the build folder (hold Option and select Product->Clean Build Folder).
During the restart I happened to have the Xcode signing-info panel open on the Project navigator and saw a transient message that Xcode was rebuilding the signing profile. Upon trying to run my project on a device, I got a runtime exception due to a Swift framework file having an invalid signature. The second "Clean Build Folder" cleared that up and all works fine now.
For XCode 9.3, the following steps worked for me.