Does anyone know how to remove previously installed provisioning profiles from Xcode?
I have seen this link, but I am not able to find that location in my system.
It's simple, go to this folder:
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
Open finder on your mac, and click on Go -> Go to Folder ... Just paste this into the search bar and hit Open. It will show the list of provisioning profiles present in Xcode. Delete all provisioning profiles.
-Download iPhone configuration utility tool
-open it-> In Library section:- select provisioning profile(Left side of tool)
-select provisioning profile(which you want to delete) using back space delete it.
In Xcode 7:
I found out how to find provisioning profiles in Xcode 8. Archive your project (Product -> Archive) and then hit the validate button. Xcode will prepare the binary and the entitlements. When the summary windows comes up just hit the little arrow at the right of the window. A finder window will open with all your downloaded profiles.enter image description here
For Xcode 7, brandonscript has the correct answer.
For earlier versions:
View Details...
This no longer works in Xcode 8.3. It appears to be related to Apple's move to automate provisioning profile and certificate generation:
The simplest "solution" (or workaround) is to make sure Xcode is closed, then via Terminal:
rm ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*.mobileprovision
Open Preferences > Accounts
Select your apple ID from the list
On the right-hand side, select the team your provisioning profile belongs to
Click View Details
Under Provisioning Profiles, right-click the one you want to delete and select Move to Trash: