I want to have a hidden checkbox that doesn\'t take up any space on the screen.
If I have this:
Since the release of HTML5 one can now simply do:
<div hidden>This div is hidden</div>
Note: This is not supported by some old browsers, most notably IE < 11.
Hidden Attribute Documentation (MDN,W3C)
In addition to CMS´ answer you may want to consider putting the style in an external stylesheet and assign the style to the id, like this:
#divCheckbox {
display: none;
Use style="display: none;"
. Also, you probably don't need to have the DIV, just setting the style to display: none
on the checkbox would probably be sufficient.
To prevent the checkbox from taking up any space without removing it from the DOM, use hidden
<div hidden id="divCheckbox">
To prevent the checkbox from taking up any space and also removing it from the DOM, use display: none
<div id="divCheckbox" style="display:none">
Consider using <span>
to isolate small segments of markup to be styled without breaking up layout. This would seem to be more idiomatic than trying to force a <div>
not to display itself--if in fact the checkbox itself cannot be styled in the way you want.
To hide the element visually, but keep it in the html, you can use:
<div style='visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden; height:0; width:0;'>
<div style='visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden; position:absolute;'>
What may go wrong with display:none
? It removes the element completely from the html, so some functionalities may be broken if they need to access something in the hidden element.