Installing libv8 gem on OS X 10.9+

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旧时难觅i 2020-11-29 14:41

I\'m trying to install libv8 but getting an error on OSX Mavericks using latest stable rvm and ruby-1.9.3-p125.

This is the output of running the command \

  • 2020-11-29 15:21

    When I tried the accepted answer, libv8 would install successfully with gem install libv8, but bundle install would fail on libv8. I think that bundle install was trying to install a different version of libv8. I was able to find a solution that worked for me.

    I needed libv8 because therubyracer depends on it. To get it to install, I noted the version that was failing to install in the gem_make.out log for therubyracer. (The path for the gem_make.out log will be in the failure message.) In my case it was (This version will probably change over time, in case you're reading this three years from now.) Then I did this:

    gem install libv8 -v -- --with-v8-lib <-- note different flag from accepted answer

    which allowed this to work:

    gem install therubyracer

    which allowed me to complete my bundle install.

    This worked for me on OSX Yosemite.

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  • 2020-11-29 15:24

    What really worked for me was upgrading ruby to 2.2.0, removing Gemfile.lock and bundling over again.

    Worked like a charm!

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  • 2020-11-29 15:25

    You can actually install that version on Mavericks:

    gem install libv8 -v -- --with-system-v8

    I can confirm this works with rbenv and ruby 1.9.3p448

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  • 2020-11-29 15:25

    This worked fine for me:

    Try installing this pre-compiled gem: (sha1:5ce07aaf4085fff5a5e10fe018fd6b22021bef3b)

    Or if you prefer to build your own:

      git clone
      cd libv8
      git checkout 3.11
      bundle install
      bundle exec rake clean build binary
      gem install pkg/libv8-


    Thanks to Felix Bünemann for the fix!

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  • 2020-11-29 15:27

    I had this same problem when I upgraded from OSX Mountain Lion to OSX Mavericks. The accepted answer worked for libv8, but not when I went to bundle install therubyracer gem.

    Upgrading from ruby-1.8.7-p354 to ruby-1.8.7-375 did the trick for me. libv8 ( and the therubyracer (0.12.0) gems installed without problem.

    assuming you use rbenv:

    rbenv versions
      * 1.8.7-p354
    rbenv uninstall 1.8.7-p354
    rbenv install 1.8.7-p375
    rbenv versions
      * 1.8.7-p375
    bundle install
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  • 2020-11-29 15:30

    jasonlynes's solution found on that link made the trick for me. anything else didn't work.

    brew install homebrew/versions/v8-315
    brew link --overwrite v8-315 --force
    gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8
    gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.2' -- --with-system-v8
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