Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)

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野的像风 2020-11-29 14:38

What are current best-practices for systematic build numbering and version number management in Java projects? Specifically:

  • How to manage build numbers sy

  • 2020-11-29 14:56
    • Build numbers should be associated with a continuous integration server like hudson. Use different jobs for different branches/teams/distributions.
    • To keep the version number in the final build, I would recommend just using maven for build system. It will create a .properties file archived into the final .jar/.war/.whatever-ar on META-INF/maven/<project group>/<project id>/ The .properties file will contain the version property.
    • Since I am recommending maven, I would urge you to check out the release plugin to prepare the release on source repository and keep the versions on sync.
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  • 2020-11-29 14:59

    This is how i resolved this:

    • the sources are copied to the build directory
    • then the anttask "versioninfo" is applied
    • compile the modified sources

    Here is the java file storing the version info:

    public class Settings {
        public static final String VERSION = "$VERSION$";
        public static final String DATE = "$DATE$";

    And here is the anttask "versioninfo":

        <!-- ================================= 
         target: versioninfo              
         ================================= -->
        <target name="versioninfo"
                description="gets version info from svn"
            get svn info from the src folder 
            <typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml"
            <svnSetting id="svn.setting"
            <svn refid="svn.setting">
                <info target="src" />
            if repository is a taged version use "v <tagname>"
            else "rev <revisionnumber> (SVN)" as versionnumber
            <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"
            <propertyregex property="version"
                           select="v \1"
                           defaultvalue="rev ${} (SVN)"
            replace date and version in the versionfile ()
            <replace file="build/${versionfile}">
                <replacefilter token="$DATE$" value="${}" />
                <replacefilter token="$VERSION$" value="${version}" />
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  • 2020-11-29 15:05

    I'm using Hudson also, although a far more simpler scenario:

    My Ant script has a target in it that looks like:

    <target name="build-number">
        <property environment="env" />
        <echo append="false" file="${build.dir}/build-number.txt">Build: ${env.BUILD_TAG}, Id: ${env.BUILD_ID}, URL: ${env.HUDSON_URL}</echo>

    Hudson sets these environment variables for me whenever my job runs.

    In my case, this project is a webapp and I'm including this build-number.txt file in the root folder of the webapp - I don't really care who sees it.

    We don't tag source control when this is done because we already have our Hudson job set up to tag it with the build number/timestamp when the build is successful.

    My solution only covers the incremental build numbers for development, we haven't gotten far enough in the project where we are covering release numbers yet.

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  • 2020-11-29 15:06

    You may also want to take a look at BuildNumber Maven plugin and Ant task in one jar found at I tried to make it simple and straightforward. It is a very small jar file that only depends on command line Subversion installed.

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  • 2020-11-29 15:06

    Here is my 2 cents:

    • My build script creates a build number (with timestamp!) each time I build the app. This creates too many numbers but never too few. If I have a change in the code, the build number will change at least once.

    • I version the build number with every release (though not inbetween). When I update the project and I get a new build number (because someone else did a release), I overwrite my local version and start over. This can lead to a lower build number which is why I've included the timestamp.

    • When a release happens, the build number is committed as the last item in a single commit with the message "build 1547". After that, when it's an official release, the whole tree is tagged. This way, the build file always has all tags and there is a simple 1:1 mapping between tags and build numbers.

    [EDIT] I deploy a version.html with my projects and then, I can use a scraper to simply collect an accurate map what is installed where. If you're using Tomcat or similar, put the build number and timestamp in the description element of web.xml. Remember: Never memorize anything when you can have a computer do it for you.

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  • 2020-11-29 15:07

    We run our build via CruiseControl (insert your favourite build manager here), and perform the main build and tests.

    We then increment the version number using Ant and BuildNumber and create a property file with this info plus the date of build and other metadata.

    We have a class dedicated to reading this and providing it to GUIs/logs etc.

    We then package all of this up and build a deployable tying together the build number and the corresponding build. All our servers dump this meta info on start up. We can go back through the CruiseControl logs and tie the build number to the date and checkins.

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