I came across some MATLAB syntax with a colon that I don\'t fully understand.
The expression: 0:pi/4:pi
results in the answer
My two pennies to KennyTM's answer.
Actually scalar and vector variables in MATLAB have 2 dimensions. Scalar has 1 row and 1 column, and vector has either 1 row or column. Just try size(X)
Colon (:
) operator for indexing simply means all. Syntax X(:,1:3)
means get all rows and columns from 1 to 3. Since your variable X
has only 1 row, you will get first 3 values in this row.
Actually a:b
generates a vector. You could use it as index only because the (...)
accepts a list also, e.g.
octave-3.0.3:10> a = [1,4,7]
a =
1 4 7
octave-3.0.3:11> b = [1,4,9,16,25,36,49]
b =
1 4 9 16 25 36 49
octave-3.0.3:12> b(a) # gets [b(1), b(4), b(7)]
ans =
1 16 49
Now, the a:b:c
syntax is equivalent to [a, a+b, a+2*b, ...]
until c
, e.g.
octave-3.0.3:15> 4:7:50
ans =
4 11 18 25 32 39 46
which explains what you get in 0:pi/4:pi
A lone :
selects the whole axes (row/column), e.g.
octave-3.0.3:16> a = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]
a =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
octave-3.0.3:17> a(:,1) # means a(1:3, 1)
ans =
octave-3.0.3:18> a(1,:) # means a(1, 1:3)
ans =
1 2 3
See the official MATLAB doc on colon (:) for detail.