This question could surely be applied to jQuery but in this case I am referring to Prototype. In the Prototype doc it says,
Since synchronous usage is
Well, in addition to the fact that it is very not JavaScript, it has such pleasant effects as COMPLETELY BLOCKING THE BROWSER'S UI. That is not a minor issue.
Did some research, found cool things. Prototype bases "asynchronous" off of According to Wikipedia, this is not something which is not a required part of the specification and it will prevent "onreadystatechange".
Well, i don't find that it is a problem to block the UI if the user is generating a loading image while the synchronous call is done. It could be the same as submitting the form.
Let's remind you that JavaScript is single-threaded
A simple fix is to use asynchronous style programming using callbacks.
Customer = Class.create({
initialize: function(customerId, cb) {
new Ajax.Request('some-url', {
method: 'get',
parameters: {
customerId: customerId
onSuccess: (function() {
this.setCustomerInfo.apply(this, arguments);
cb.apply(this, arguments);
setCustomerInfo: function(response) {
//for the sake of this example I will leave out the JSON validation
this.customerInfo = response.responseText.evalJSON();
var c = new Customer(1, function() {
Most people frown upon synchronous ajax calls because it'll freeze the UI up until it has completed, as it will not allow code to continue until it's completion. Makes for a stutter in the interface I guess you could say.