I keep getting this error for my graph requests??
Type \'Any?\' has no subscript members
the error points at result.... this onl
In Swift 3, the Value type of NSDictionary, NSArray, etc. have been changed to Any. So the result type of subscript result[key] is Any?, which cannot be automatically converted to AnyObject.
You have to explicitly cast into [String:[AnyObject]]
type before using the result.
Try using,
let tResult = result as? [String:[AnyObject]]
guard let listOfFriends = tResult["data"] else { return; }
as mentioned in the answer of @xhmar
Try this
let nextrequest: FBSDKGraphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath:"me/friends", parameters: ["fields": "name, id, gender"], httpMethod: "GET")
nextrequest.start { (connection, result, error) -> Void in
guard let result = result as? [String:[AnyObject]], let listOfFriends = result["data"] else {