Having two separate pyspark applications that instantiate a HiveContext
in place of a SQLContext
lets one of the two applications fail with the err
By default Hive(Context) is using embedded Derby as a metastore. It is intended mostly for testing and supports only one active user. If you want to support multiple running applications you should configure a standalone metastore. At this moment Hive supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and MySQL. Details of configuration depend on a backend and option (local / remote) but generally speaking you'll need:
Cloudera provides a comprehensive guide you may find useful: Configuring the Hive Metastore.
Theoretically it should be also possible to create separate Derby metastores with a proper configuration (see Hive Admin Manual - Local/Embedded Metastore Database) or to use Derby in Server Mode.
For development you can start applications in different working directories. This will create separate metastore_db for each application and avoid the issue of multiple active users. Providing separate Hive configuration should work as well but is less useful in development:
When not configured by the hive-site.xml, the context automatically creates metastore_db in the current directory