printing double quotes around a variable

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闹比i 2020-11-29 11:50

For instance, we have:

word = \'Some Random Word\'
print \'\"\' + word + \'\"\'

is there a better way to print double quotes around a varia

  • 2020-11-29 12:30

    It seems silly, but works fine to me. It's easy to read.

    word = "Some Random Word"
    quotes = '"'
    print quotes + word + quotes
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  • 2020-11-29 12:44

    How about json.dumps:

    >>> import json
    >>> print(json.dumps("hello world"))
    "hello world"

    The advantage over other approaches mentioned here is that it escapes quotes inside the string as well (take that str.format!), always uses double quotes and is actually intended for reliable serialization (take that repr()!):

    >>> print(json.dumps('hello "world"!'))
    "hello \"world\"!"
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  • 2020-11-29 12:47
    word = '"Some Random Word"' # <-- did you try this?
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  • 2020-11-29 12:47

    Use escape sequence


    int x = 10;
    System.out.println("\"" + x + "\"");


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  • 2020-11-29 12:50

    You can try repr


    word = "This is a random text" print repr(word)


    'This is a random text'

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  • 2020-11-29 12:51

    Update :

    From Python 3.6, you can use f-strings

    >>> print(f'"{word}"')
    "Some Random Word"

    Original Answer :

    You can try %-formatting

    >>> print('"%s"' % word)
    "Some Random Word"

    OR str.format

    >>> print('"{}"'.format(word))
    "Some Random Word"

    OR escape the quote character with \

    >>> print("\"%s\"" % word)
    "Some Random Word"

    And, if the double-quotes is not a restriction (i.e. single-quotes would do)

    >>> from pprint import pprint, pformat
    >>> print(pformat(word))
    'Some Random Word'
    >>> pprint(word)
    'Some Random Word'

    OR like others have already said (include it in your declaration)

    >>> word = '"Some Random Word"'
    >>> print(word)
    "Some Random Word"

    Use whichever you feel to be better or less confusing.

    And, if you need to do it for multiple words, you might as well create a function

    def double_quote(word):
        return '"%s"' % word
    print(double_quote(word), double_quote(word2))

    And (if you know what you're doing &) if you're concerned about performance of these, see this comparison.

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