Please help me!
I am converting a text file with multiple lines to pig latin.
Example: the Pig Latin translation of: This is an example. should be: Hist
Here is my reworking of your code. You should consider working with nltk. It has much more robust handling of word tokenisation.
def main():
fileName= raw_input('Please enter the file name: ')
new_lines = convert_file(fileName)
for line in new_lines:
print line
def validate_file(fileName):
inputFile= open(fileName, 'r')
except IOError:
print('File not found.')
def strip_punctuation(line):
punctuation = ''
line = line.strip()
if len(line)>0:
if line[-1] in ('.','!','?'):
punctuation = line[-1]
line = line[:-1]
return line, punctuation
def convert_file(fileName):
inputFile= open(fileName, 'r')
converted_lines = []
for line in inputFile:
line, punctuation = strip_punctuation(line)
line = line.split()
new_words = []
for word in line:
endString= str(word[1:])
them=endString, str(word[0:1]), 'ay'
new_sentence = ' '.join(new_words)
new_sentence = new_sentence.lower()
if len(new_sentence):
new_sentence = new_sentence[0].upper() + new_sentence[1:]
converted_lines.append(new_sentence + punctuation)
return converted_lines
I do the jobs except punctuation. I am still thinking about a solution. Here is my code:
def convert_file(fileName):
inputFile = open(fileName,'r')
punctuations = ['.',',','!','?',':',';']
newWords = []
linenum = 1
for line in inputFile:
line_string = line.split()
for word in line_string:
endString= str(word[1]).upper()+str(word[2:])
them=endString, str(word[0:1]).lower(), 'ay'
word = ''.join(them)
wordAndline = [word,linenum]
linenum +=1
return newWords
It is different in that it returns word and its line in file.
['Histay', 1], ['Siay', 1], ['Naay', 1], ['Xample.eay', 1], ['Ymay', 3], ['Amenay', 3], ['Siay', 3], ['Ara!kay', 3]