For instance:
\'1\' => NG
\'243\' => NG
\'1av\' => OK
\'pRo\' => OK
\'123k%\' => NG
I tried with
Try with this:
Edit: since this is essentially the same of the accepted answer, I'll give you something different:
No lookaheads, no repeated complex group, it just verifies that there's at least one alphabetic character. This should be quite fast.
Try this: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*$
try with this: ^(?!\d+\b)[a-zA-Z\d]+$
will avoid pure numeric, add \w+ then mix alphabet and number.
This should do the trick, without lookbehind:
So we know that there must be at least one "alphabetic" character in there somewhere:
And it can have any number of alphanumeric characters (including zero) either before it or after it, so we pad it with [a-zA-Z0-9]*
on both sides:
That should do the trick.
this is strictly alphanumeric
String name="^[^a-zA-Z]\\d*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\d]*$";