Need to change values 1 and 2 from bash
my $0.02 in python because its on every server you will ever log in to
import sys, xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
data = ""
for line in sys.stdin:
data += line
tree = ET.fromstring(data)
nodeA = tree.find('.//tag')
nodeB = tree.find('.//tag1')
tmp = nodeA.text
nodeA.text = nodeB.text
nodeB.text = tmp
print ET.tostring(tree)
this reads from stdin so you can use it like this:
$ echo '<node><tag1>hi!</tag1><tag>this</tag></node>' | python xml_process.py
EDIT - challenge accepted
Here's a working xmllib implementation (should work back to python 1.6). As I thought it would be more fun to stab my eyes with a fork. The only think I will say about this is it works for the given use case.
import sys, xmllib
class Bag:
class NodeSwapper(xmllib.XMLParser):
def __init__(self):
print 'making a NodeSwapper'
self.result = ''
self.data_tags = {}
self.current_tag = ''
self.finished = False
def handle_data(self, data):
print 'data: ' + data
self.data_tags[self.current_tag] = data
if self.finished:
if 'tag1' in self.data_tags.keys() and 'tag' in self.data_tags.keys():
b = Bag()
b.tag1 = self.data_tags['tag1']
b.tag = self.data_tags['tag']
b.t1_start_idx = self.rawdata.find(b.tag1)
b.t1_end_idx = len(b.tag1) + b.t1_start_idx
b.t_start_idx = self.rawdata.find(b.tag)
b.t_end_idx = len(b.tag) + b.t_start_idx
# swap
if b.t1_start_idx < b.t_start_idx:
self.result = self.rawdata[:b.t_start_idx] + b.tag + self.rawdata[b.t_end_idx:]
self.result = self.result[:b.t1_start_idx] + b.tag1 + self.result[b.t1_end_idx:]
self.result = self.rawdata[:b.t1_start_idx] + b.tag1 + self.rawdata[t1_end_idx:]
self.result = self.result[:b.t_start_idx] + b.tag + self.rresult[t_end_idx:]
self.finished = True
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
print 'starttag is: ' + tag
self.current_tag = tag
data = ""
for line in sys.stdin:
data += line
print 'data is: ' + data
parser = NodeSwapper()
print parser.result
To change tag
's value to 2
and tag1
's value to 3
, using XMLStarlet:
xmlstarlet ed \
-u '/root/tag' -v 2 \
-u '/root/tag1' -v 3 \
<old.xml >new.xml
Using your sample input:
xmlstarlet ed \
-u '/root/tag' -v 2 \
-u '/root/tag1' -v 3 \
...emits as output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
You can use the xsltproc
command (from package xsltproc
on Debian-based distros) with the following XSLT sheet:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="tagReplacement"/>
<xsl:param name="tag1Replacement"/>
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
<xsl:template match="tag">
<xsl:value-of select="$tagReplacement"/>
<xsl:template match="tag1">
<xsl:value-of select="$tag1Replacement"/>
Then use the command:
xsltproc --stringparam tagReplacement polop \
--stringparam tag1Replacement palap \
transform.xsl input.xml
Or you could also use regexes, but modifying XML through regexes is pure evil :)
Since you give a sed
example in one of the comments, I imagine you want a pure bash solution?
while read input; do
for field in tag tag1; do
case $input in
*"<$field>"*"</$field>"* )
# Where are we supposed to be getting the replacement text from?
echo "$input"
This is completely unintelligent, and obviously only works on well-formed input with the start tag and the end tag on the same line, you can't have multiple instances of the same tag on the same line, the list of tags to substitute is hard-coded, etc.
I cannot imagine a situation where this would be actually useful, and preferable to either a script or a proper XML approach.