I am opening a popup window with
var popup = window.open(\'...\', \'...\');
This javascript is defined in a control. This control is then
Try this:
Into the popup before closing
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
Instead you should use a modal dialog like so
var popup = window.showModalDialog("page.html", "", params);
This would stop your at this line until the dialog is closed.
Somewhere in your page.html you would then code some javascript to set the window.returnValue
which is what will be place the the popup variable.
Window.showModalDialog() is now obsolete.
Ok so what you do is as follows.
create a method "setWindowObjectInParent" then call that in the popup. var popupwindow;
function setWindowObjectInParent(obj)
popupwindow = obj;
Now you have an object that you can call focus on.
So in the popup add
This will unset the obj when the popup is closed and set the object when it is opened.
Thus you can check if your popup is defined and then call focus.
Here's what I suggest.
in the popup you should have:
<script type="text/javascript">
function reloadOpener() {
if (top.opener && !top.opener.closed) {
try {
catch(e) {
window.onunload=function() {
<form action="..." target="hiddenFrame">
<iframe style="width:10px; height:10px; display:none" name="hiddenFrame" src="about:blank"></iframe>
then in the server process return
Old suggestions
There is no variable called popup in the popup window. try
var popup = window.open('...','...');
if (popup) {
popup.onclose = function () { opener.location.reload(); }
or with a test:
popup.onclose = function () { if (opener && !opener.closed) opener.location.reload(); }
PS: onclose is not supported by all browsers
PPS: location.reload takes a boolean, add true if you want to not load from cache
as in opener.location.reload(1);