The property 'name' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified. Entity Framework

后端 未结 6 1679
无人共我 2020-11-29 11:00

I am trying to update a record and I get this error message after the context.SaveChanges();

The property \'name\' is part of the object\

  • 2020-11-29 11:33

    See the answer from yildizm85 to this question: entity framework not working on table without identity column

    "Entity Framework requires a Primary Key to generate a model from the database. If there is no Primary Key on a table it will simply select the non-nullable columns as a concatenated primary key and the Entity will be read/only."

    Looking at your EAT_SourceNames object it appears there is no primary key field so the Entity Framework is using the column 'name' as part of the composite key which means it is read-only.

    The solution would be to add a Primary Key field to EAT_SourceNames and then your 'name' field would no longer be part of the primary key.

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  • 2020-11-29 11:33

    The point is that you work with an object. The "name" property identifies the object, that's why you can't modify it. The solution is to modify the value in the table with a SQL statement (UPDATE) and reload the context. Sincerely.

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  • 2020-11-29 11:44

    Same happened to me today. I set new entity's ID with the old record's ID and the error is gone.

    //This checks whether there's a record with same specific data.
    var kayitVarMi = _db.Sorgu.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Serial == sorgu.Serial);
                    if (kayitVarMi != null) // If there's
                        sorgu.Id = kayitVarMi.Id; //This one does the trick
                    else // If not
                    // This whole block is in a transaction scope so I just check recordability.
                    if (_db.SaveChanges() > 0)
                        _sorguKaydedildiMi = true;
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  • 2020-11-29 11:48

    Probably name is a part or full Primary Key for your EAT_SourceNames entity. You cannot modify object's PK, is it EF's limitation (see this thread).

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  • 2020-11-29 11:51

    Here is the proper solution of it.

    You have to unchecked entity key of Name from your EAT_SourceNames.

    You can do this by following steps.

    1. Open your .edmx file.
    2. Right click on your display and select Mapping Details.
    3. Click on Model Browser and you will find it at right side of your screen.
    4. Now In that go to Entity Types folder and click on your table in your case EAT_SourceName.
    5. Now you will find the model of EAT_SourceName , now right click on name and uncheck Entity Keys.
    6. Now Clean and Rebuild your Solution.
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  • 2020-11-29 11:54

    The only way I can think to update a text primary key is by using the following.

    I do not believe it is best practice to use a "functional" primary key. A primary key's purpose is simply to uniquely identify a row.

    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE Table SET [Name] = {0} WHERE [Name] = {1}", nameProperty, oldNameProperty);
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