This is an absolute howler. I cannot believe my own eyes, and I cannot believe nobody before me would have discovered this if it was a genuine bug in C#, so I\'m putting it
This is not a bug but explicitly mentioned in Oracle ODP.Net documentation. In a OracleCommand class the parameters are bound by position as default. If you want to bind by name then set the property cmd.BindByName = true;
Reference to Oracle documentation.
Is that a typo that you have column3 being added before column2?
Because the colon syntax signifies a bind variable--name doesn't matter to BIND variables in PLSQL, they're populated in order of submission. Which would mean you'd be attempting to set column2 value as "record 1", which would explain the invalid number error...
You currently have:
p.Add("Column1", 1);
p.Add("Column3", null);
p.Add("Column2", "record 1");
...see if this alteration fixes your issue:
p.Add("Column1", 1);
p.Add("Column2", "record 1");
p.Add("Column3", null);
I have to defer to someone with more C# experience to explain how to get named parameters working. But I'm glad we confirmed that the colon appears to be interpreting as an Oracle BIND variable.
p.Add(":Column1", 1);
p.Add(":Column2", "record 1");
p.Add(":Column3", null);
//NOTE i have added : to the parameter names to be recognised by oracle data client