I know I can grab the element of an individual ID.
Anyway I can attach a listener to the parent div and pass the ID of the individual span that was clicked?
If the user clicked on a node that was a child of the element the user wanted to test e.target
will be a different node. The sensible way to check this nowadays is to listen at the document level and iterate the path (or use some delegation library, of which there are many):
Add one event listener to the document:
const isOnId = (path,id) => path.some(element => element.id === id);
document.addEventListener('click',function(e) {
if(isOnId(e.path,'two')) {
//you clicked on or in element with an id two
} else {
//you clicked on something else
You can use the event
object and access its target
document.getElementById("divId").addEventListener("click", someFunction);
function someFunction(event) {
<div id="divId">
<span id="one">one</span>
<span id="two"> two</span>