I have an SQL table in which I store large string values that must be unique. In order to ensure the uniqueness, I have a unique index on a column in which I store a string
SQL Server does not natively support using UTF-8 strings, and it hasn't for quite a while. As you noticed, NCHAR and NVARCHAR use UCS-2 rather than UTF-8.
If you are insistent on using the HASHBYTES
function, you must be able to pass the UTF-8 byte[]
from your C# code to preserve the encoding. HASHBYTES accepts VARBINARY in place of NVARCHAR. This could be accomplished with a CLR function that accepts NVARCHAR
and returns the results of Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
With that being said, I strongly suggest keeping these types of business rules isolated within your application rather than the database. Especially since the application is already performing this logic.
SELECT HashBytes('MD5', CAST (N'中文' COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC_UTF8 AS varchar(4000)))
It only on sql server 2019
reference: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/6168/impact-of-utf8-support-in-sql-server-2019/
You need to create a UDF to convert the NVARCHAR data to bytes in UTF-8 Representation. Say it is called dbo.NCharToUTF8Binary
then you can do:
hashbytes('md5', dbo.NCharToUTF8Binary(N'abc', 1))
Here is a UDF which will do that:
create function dbo.NCharToUTF8Binary(@txt NVARCHAR(max), @modified bit)
returns varbinary(max)
-- Note: This is not the fastest possible routine.
-- If you want a fast routine, use SQLCLR
set @modified = isnull(@modified, 0)
-- First shred into a table.
declare @chars table (
ix int identity primary key,
codepoint int,
utf8 varbinary(6)
declare @ix int
set @ix = 0
while @ix < datalength(@txt)/2 -- trailing spaces
set @ix = @ix + 1
insert @chars(codepoint)
select unicode(substring(@txt, @ix, 1))
-- Now look for surrogate pairs.
-- If we find a pair (lead followed by trail) we will pair them
-- High surrogate is \uD800 to \uDBFF
-- Low surrogate is \uDC00 to \uDFFF
-- Look for high surrogate followed by low surrogate and update the codepoint
update c1 set codepoint = ((c1.codepoint & 0x07ff) * 0x0800) + (c2.codepoint & 0x07ff) + 0x10000
from @chars c1 inner join @chars c2 on c1.ix = c2.ix -1
where c1.codepoint >= 0xD800 and c1.codepoint <=0xDBFF
and c2.codepoint >= 0xDC00 and c2.codepoint <=0xDFFF
-- Get rid of the trailing half of the pair where found
delete c2
from @chars c1 inner join @chars c2 on c1.ix = c2.ix -1
where c1.codepoint >= 0x10000
-- Now we utf-8 encode each codepoint.
-- Lone surrogate halves will still be here
-- so they will be encoded as if they were not surrogate pairs.
update c
set utf8 =
-- One-byte encodings (modified UTF8 outputs zero as a two-byte encoding)
when codepoint <= 0x7f and (@modified = 0 OR codepoint <> 0)
then cast(substring(cast(codepoint as binary(4)), 4, 1) as varbinary(6))
-- Two-byte encodings
when codepoint <= 0x07ff
then substring(cast((0x00C0 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x1f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
-- Three-byte encodings
when codepoint <= 0x0ffff
then substring(cast((0x00E0 + ((codepoint/0x1000) & 0x0f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
-- Four-byte encodings
when codepoint <= 0x1FFFFF
then substring(cast((0x00F0 + ((codepoint/0x00040000) & 0x07)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x1000) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
+ substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
from @chars c
-- Finally concatenate them all and return.
declare @ret varbinary(max)
set @ret = cast('' as varbinary(max))
select @ret = @ret + utf8 from @chars c order by ix
return @ret