I\'m actually trying doing this in Java, but I\'m in the process of teaching myself python and it made me wonder if there was an easy/clever way to do this with wrappers or
This defines a decorator to do it:
def count_calls(fn):
def _counting(*args, **kwargs):
_counting.calls += 1
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
_counting.calls = 0
return _counting
def foo(x):
return x
def bar(y):
print foo.calls
After your response - here's a way with a decorator factory...
import inspect
def make_decorators():
# Mutable shared storage...
caller_L = []
callee_L = []
called_count = [0]
def caller_decorator(caller):
def counting_caller(*args, **kwargs):
# Returning result here separate from the count report in case
# the result needs to be used...
result = caller(*args, **kwargs)
print callee_L[0].__name__, \
'was called', called_count[0], 'times'
called_count[0] = 0
return result
return counting_caller
def callee_decorator(callee):
def counting_callee(*args, **kwargs):
# Next two lines are an alternative to
# sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name mentioned by Ned...
current_frame = inspect.currentframe()
caller_name = inspect.getouterframes(current_frame)[1][3]
if caller_name == caller_L[0].__name__:
called_count[0] += 1
return callee(*args, **kwargs)
return counting_callee
return caller_decorator, callee_decorator
caller_decorator, callee_decorator = make_decorators()
def foo(z):
#do something
return ' foo result'
def bar(x,y):
# complicated algorithm/logic simulation...
for i in xrange(x+y):
foobar = 'some result other than the call count that you might use'
return foobar
And here's the output (tested with Python 2.5.2):
foo was called 2 times
foo was called 3 times
foo was called 4 times
Sounds like almost the textbook example for decorators!
def counted(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
wrapper.called += 1
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.called = 0
wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
return wrapper
def foo():
>>> foo()
>>> foo.called
You could even use another decorator to automate the recording of how many times a function is called inside another function:
def counting(other):
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
other.called = 0
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
print '%s was called %i times' % (other.__name__, other.called)
wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
return wrapper
return decorator
def bar():
>>> bar()
foo was called 2 times
If foo
or bar
can end up calling themselves, though, you'd need a more complicated solution involving stacks to cope with the recursion. Then you're heading towards a full-on profiler...
Possibly this wrapped decorator stuff, which tends to be used for magic, isn't the ideal place to be looking if you're still ‘teaching yourself Python’!