Is there a way to get the axes, with labels in the center of a ggplot2 plot, like a traditional graphing calculator? I\'ve looked through the docs and there doesn\'t seem to
I think this is what you are looking for:
I have constructed a function that does just that:
theme_geometry <- function(xvals, yvals, xgeo = 0, ygeo = 0,
color = "black", size = 1,
xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
ticks = 10,
textsize = 3,
xlimit = max(abs(xvals),abs(yvals)),
ylimit = max(abs(yvals),abs(xvals)),
epsilon = max(xlimit,ylimit)/50){
#xvals .- Values of x that will be plotted
#yvals .- Values of y that will be plotted
#xgeo .- x intercept value for y axis
#ygeo .- y intercept value for x axis
#color .- Default color for axis
#size .- Line size for axis
#xlab .- Label for x axis
#ylab .- Label for y axis
#ticks .- Number of ticks to add to plot in each axis
#textsize .- Size of text for ticks
#xlimit .- Limit value for x axis
#ylimit .- Limit value for y axis
#epsilon .- Parameter for small space
#Create axis
xaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = c(-xlimit, xlimit), y_ax = rep(ygeo,2))
yaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = rep(xgeo, 2), y_ax = c(-ylimit, ylimit))
#Add axis
theme.list <-
theme_void(), #Empty the current theme
geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, size = size, data = xaxis),
geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, size = size, data = yaxis),
annotate("text", x = xlimit + 2*epsilon, y = ygeo, label = xlab, size = 2*textsize),
annotate("text", x = xgeo, y = ylimit + 4*epsilon, label = ylab, size = 2*textsize),
xlim(-xlimit - 7*epsilon, xlimit + 7*epsilon), #Add limits to make it square
ylim(-ylimit - 7*epsilon, ylimit + 7*epsilon) #Add limits to make it square
#Add ticks programatically
ticks_x <- round(seq(-xlimit, xlimit, length.out = ticks),2)
ticks_y <- round(seq(-ylimit, ylimit, length.out = ticks),2)
#Add ticks of x axis
nlist <- length(theme.list)
for (k in 1:ticks){
#Create data frame for ticks in x axis
xtick <- data.frame(xt = rep(ticks_x[k], 2),
yt = c(xgeo + epsilon, xgeo - epsilon))
#Create data frame for ticks in y axis
ytick <- data.frame(xt = c(ygeo + epsilon, ygeo - epsilon),
yt = rep(ticks_y[k], 2))
#Add ticks to geom line for x axis
theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-3]] <- geom_line(aes(x = xt, y = yt),
data = xtick, size = size,
color = color)
#Add labels to the x-ticks
theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-2]] <- annotate("text",
x = ticks_x[k],
y = ygeo - 2.5*epsilon,
size = textsize,
label = paste(ticks_x[k]))
#Add ticks to geom line for y axis
theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-1]] <- geom_line(aes(x = xt, y = yt),
data = ytick, size = size,
color = color)
#Add labels to the y-ticks
theme.list[[nlist + 4*k]] <- annotate("text",
x = xgeo - 2.5*epsilon,
y = ticks_y[k],
size = textsize,
label = paste(ticks_y[k]))
#Add theme
#theme.list[[3]] <-
As an example you can run the following code to create an image similar to the one above:
simdata <- data.frame(x = rnorm(50), y = rnorm(50))
ggplot(simdata) +
theme_geometry(simdata$x, simdata$y) +
geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), size = 3, color = "red") +
ggtitle("More geometric example")
ggsave("Example1.png", width = 10, height = 10)
There are some other useful answers, but the following comes closer to the target visual and avoids looping:
# constants
axis_begin <- -2
axis_end <- 2
total_ticks <- 21
# DATA ----
# point to plot
my_point <- data.frame(x=1,y=1)
# chart junk data
tick_frame <-
data.frame(ticks = seq(axis_begin, axis_end, length.out = total_ticks),
zero=0) %>%
subset(ticks != 0)
lab_frame <- data.frame(lab = seq(axis_begin, axis_end),
zero = 0) %>%
subset(lab != 0)
tick_sz <- (tail(lab_frame$lab, 1) - lab_frame$lab[1]) / 128
# PLOT ----
ggplot(my_point, aes(x,y)) +
# y axis line
geom_segment(x = 0, xend = 0,
y = lab_frame$lab[1], yend = tail(lab_frame$lab, 1),
size = 0.5) +
# x axis line
geom_segment(y = 0, yend = 0,
x = lab_frame$lab[1], xend = tail(lab_frame$lab, 1),
size = 0.5) +
# x ticks
geom_segment(data = tick_frame,
aes(x = ticks, xend = ticks,
y = zero, yend = zero + tick_sz)) +
# y ticks
geom_segment(data = tick_frame,
aes(x = zero, xend = zero + tick_sz,
y = ticks, yend = ticks)) +
# labels
geom_text(data=lab_frame, aes(x=lab, y=zero, label=lab),
family = 'Times', vjust=1.5) +
geom_text(data=lab_frame, aes(x=zero, y=lab, label=lab),
family = 'Times', hjust=1.5) +
geom_point(color='navy', size=5) +
A first approximation:
dat = data.frame(x = 1, y =1)
p = ggplot(data = dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) + theme_bw() +
geom_point(size = 5) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0)
Adjust limits as per SlowLearner's answer.
I would just use xlim
and ylim
dat = data.frame(x = 1, y =1)
p = ggplot(data = dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
geom_point(size = 5) +
xlim(-2, 2) +
ylim(-2, 2)