Lately I\'ve become a huge fan of the
For example, I\'ve written a function for extending prototypes.
It works in the w
You can use Object.defineProperty to add support for it on IE9+
// Fix Function#name on browsers that do not support it (IE):
if (!(function f() {}).name) {
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'name', {
get: function() {
var name = (this.toString().match(/^function\s*([^\s(]+)/) || [])[1];
// For better performance only parse once, and then cache the
// result through a new accessor for repeated access.
Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: name });
return name;
You might be able to parse the function name from calling function.toString [docs].
is not a standard property.
var name = func.toString().match(/^function\s*([^\s(]+)/)[1];
As the comments also say, this is not necessarily a reliable way. Imo passing an object would be easier to read and you could pass several methods at once:
forEach: function() { ... },
somethingElse: function() {...}
Old question, and I don't know if this works on a native IE 7 & 8 browser (I'm using the developer tools emulator), but I've given functions a name property on the constructor for gag inducing IE code before....
function sayMyName(func){
var ||
var ieGivesMeNightTerrors=function(){
//there there, these ugly workarounds aren't your fault
I think your .give()
solution is a little..verbose. What's wrong with:
Array.prototype.forEach = function () { ... };
Really, though, you should check for such a method's existence before supplying your own:
Array.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach || function () { ... };
Since others will be led here wondering about
, there is a way to grab the name (obviously, it doesn't work on anonymous functions):
function getFnName(fn) {
return (fn.toString().match(/function (.+?)\(/)||[,''])[1];
For those, who are in the same boat, have a look at JamesMGreene's polyfill. This looks to be a good solution.