, I run the following JavaScript:
function ThisOnKeyDown(el) {
if (el.title == \'textonly\') {
i found this solution in: http://help.dottoro.com/ljlkwans.php
works as intended.
<script type="text/javascript">
function FilterInput (event) {
var keyCode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode;
isNumeric = (keyCode >= 48 /* KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_0 */ && keyCode <= 57 /* KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_9 */) ||
(keyCode >= 96 /* KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD0 */ && keyCode <= 105 /* KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_NUMPAD9 */);
modifiers = (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);
return !isNumeric || modifiers;
< body>
The following text field does not accept numeric input:
<input type="text" onkeydown="return FilterInput (event)" />< /body>
it allows text and !"#$%& but you can adjust it adding these to the validationto only allow numbers by removing the ! in the return