When plotting heatmaps with seaborn (and correlation matrices with matplotlib) the first and the last row is cut in halve. This happens also when I run this minimal code exa
matplotlib 3.1.2 is out - It is available in the Anaconda cloud via conda-forge but I was not able to install it via conda install. The manual alternative worked: Download matplotlib 3.1.2 from github and install via pip
% curl https://codeload.github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/tar.gz/v3.1.2 --output matplotlib-3.1.2.tar.gz
% pip install matplotlib-3.1.2.tar.gz
Worked for me:
b, t = plt.ylim()
b += 0.5
t -= 0.5
custom_ylim = (b, t)
plt.setp(axes, ylim=custom_ylim)
Unfortunately matplotlib 3.1.1 broke seaborn heatmaps; and in general inverted axes with fixed ticks.
This is fixed in the current development version; you may hence
ax.set_ylim(bottom, top) # set the ylim to bottom, top
) I solved this problem with the following code:
rustyDev is right about conda-forge, but I did not need to do a manual pip install from a github download. For me, on Windows, it worked directly. And the plots are all nice again.
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
optional points, not needed for the answer:
Afterwards, I tried other steps, but they are not needed: In conda prompt: conda search matplotlib --info showed no new version info, the most recent info was for 3.1.1. Thus I tried pip using pip install matplotlib==3.1.2
But pip says "Requirement already satisfied"
Then getting the version according to medium.com/@rakshithvasudev/… python - import matplotlib - matplotlib.__version__
shows that 3.1.2 was successfully installed
Btw, I had this error directly after updating Spyder to v4.0.0. The error was in a plot of a confusion matrix. This was mentioned already some months ago. stackoverflow.com/questions/57225685/… which is already linked to this seaborn question.