I have been working on this app for months now and from as far back as I can remember I have never had an issue with segues. The code is unchanged in terms of calling
In the method in the first viewController where you activate the segue, do you have beginIgnoringInteractionEvents anywhere? If so the screen you segue to will be frozen and will ignore interaction events like you describe. If this is the case you can fix this by adding an endIgnoringInteractionEvents method before your segue method:
UIApplication.sharedApplication().endIgnoringInteractionEvents() self.performSegueWithIdentifier("editItemToMyGearSegue", sender: self)
I think I have the same problem: I have a UITabelView with cells created from a nib file, when a user tap a cell this method is called:
and when I have the following method prepareForSegue:: the application crashes:
if I delete the line 129 Everything is ok , the method prepareForSegue:: open the right view and the label contactName is shown with its default text. If I modify the method as follows prepareForSegue:: get exactly what you expect, without having any type of error:
let me know if you also get the same result
I ran into the same issue and the fixes in this post (Xcode 7 crash: [NSLocalizableString length] 30000) solved the issue for me.
The first is to enable a localisation other than the base for the storyboard (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32688815/3718974)
The second is to turn off the base localisation (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32719247/3718974)
So basically the segue was freezing because of the UITextView
's I was using in the destinationViewController
. The following fixed the issue:
This was the fix for me, and from the research I have done on the issue it seems this is a bug in iOS 9 and Xcode 7.
NOTE: Removing the text in the UITextView (or making it longer then ~12 characters) is sufficient to work around it, no need to delete and recreate them. This is fixed in Xcode 7.1.1 and later.
Any one who is facing this issue, i solved it by turning off the "Optimize rendering for windows scale" option in Debug of simulator window. I already had tried all of the above answers but could not solve the issue.
I realize this is an old topic, but appears to be still relevant. I was facing the same problem in Xcode 9, iOS11. My UITextViews are embedded inside UITableViewCells. Same symptoms as described here. The tricks with default text and placeholders did nothing for me, but I solved it by turning off the scrolling indicators for the text view in the xib. They were on by default, I guess, though unused.
Edit: this is probably an important detail... the views that were hanging all had an image NSTextAttachment in the attributed string of the text view. I think the image was wider than the available table cell content. With scrolling turned off, they appear to downscale.