What are typical uses of null statement
in C ?
I know that it is basically used to skip expression where it is expected
The only uses I can think of are:
1- At the end of a loop, where the operations are already encoded within the loop statements. e.g. while(a[i--]);
2- At the end of a label, where no operation is needed to be done. e.g. Label: ;
It's more of a null expression rather than a null statement, but it's often found in for loops.
for (;;) // Loop "forever"
for (int i=10; i--; ) // 9..0
i was wondering how to write a null expression into the inline if and came up with this. it compiles and works.
condition ? x = 1 : "do nothing";
fun stuff.
while (somethingWithSideEffects()) ;
It's typically the side-effect of a code block that was stripped by the preprocessor, like
#define ASSERT(_x) Assert(_x)
#define ASSERT(_x)
ASSERT(test); // Results in null statement in non-debug builds
That, or in loops where your condition already contains whatever needs to be done in each iteration.
while (!kbhit())
Should be self-explanatory.