So I can see the options of the select element but I need to click on it. What if I want to use a function? When something happens this select element should be selected, me
I dont think you can force the select box to drop down
using any code. But still you can change the selected option using the code. Pls see this
This should work:
var element = $("select")[0], worked = false;
if (document.createEvent) { // all browsers
var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
worked = element.dispatchEvent(e);
} else if (element.fireEvent) { // ie
worked = element.fireEvent("onmousedown");
if (!worked) { // unknown browser / error
alert("It didn't worked in your browser.");
Just an update here as the accepted answer is correct but outdated and initMouseEvent
is soon to be deprecated. [See:]
Use the following instead: new MouseEvent
Example code:
var el = $('select'); // grab the input (jQuery)
var event = new MouseEvent('mousedown'); // create the event listener
el.dispatchEvent(event); // attach the event listener to the element