I have a BitArray with the length of 8, and I need a function to convert it to a byte
. How to do it?
Specifically, I need a correct function of Co
Unfortunately, the BitArray class is partially implemented in .Net Core class (UWP). For example BitArray class is unable to call the CopyTo() and Count() methods. I wrote this extension to fill the gap:
public static IEnumerable<byte> ToBytes(this BitArray bits, bool MSB = false)
int bitCount = 7;
int outByte = 0;
foreach (bool bitValue in bits)
if (bitValue)
outByte |= MSB ? 1 << bitCount : 1 << (7 - bitCount);
if (bitCount == 0)
yield return (byte) outByte;
bitCount = 8;
outByte = 0;
// Last partially decoded byte
if (bitCount < 7)
yield return (byte) outByte;
The method decodes the BitArray to a byte array using LSB (Less Significant Byte) logic. This is the same logic used by the BitArray class. Calling the method with the MSB parameter set on true will produce a MSB decoded byte sequence. In this case, remember that you maybe also need to reverse the final output byte collection.
This should work:
byte ConvertToByte(BitArray bits)
if (bits.Count != 8)
throw new ArgumentException("bits");
byte[] bytes = new byte[1];
bits.CopyTo(bytes, 0);
return bytes[0];
That's should be the ultimate one. Works with any length of array.
private List<byte> BoolList2ByteList(List<bool> values)
List<byte> ret = new List<byte>();
int count = 0;
byte currentByte = 0;
foreach (bool b in values)
if (b) currentByte |= (byte)(1 << count);
if (count == 7) { ret.Add(currentByte); currentByte = 0; count = 0; };
if (count < 7) ret.Add(currentByte);
return ret;