I want to test my app on iOS 7 and onwards. The only way to test my app in these OS\' are using Simulator. But after upgrading my Xcode to 7 Beta, I see the iOS 8.1, 8.2, 8.
Older Simulator runtimes are available for download through Xcode's preferences.
Goto Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads to see the list of compatible legacy simulator runtimes.
El Capitan supports iOS 8.1 and newer runtimes.
Yosemite supports iOS 7.1 and newer runtimes.
There is a known issue mentioned in the Xcode release notes which prevents the iOS 7.1 simulator runtime from working in Xcode 7.
Thus, you can't currently use the iOS 7.1 simulator runtime with Xcode 7.
You can Download it. or if you have already in your Older Xcode Version then you have to Manage it from
Window > Device
Click on device selection tab then click on more Simulator after then you can select and install ios Simulator from new open window.