Is there some encodeURI() function in PHP that does not encode: ~!@#$&*()=:/,;?+\'
Here's an alternate version based on ECMA-262 spec:
function encodeURI($uri)
return preg_replace_callback("{[^0-9a-z_.!~*'();,/?:@&=+$#-]}i", function ($m) {
return sprintf('%%%02X', ord($m[0]));
}, $uri);
I'm using this now
function encodeURI($url) {
$unescaped = array(
'%2D'=>'-','%5F'=>'_','%2E'=>'.','%21'=>'!', '%7E'=>'~',
'%2A'=>'*', '%27'=>"'", '%28'=>'(', '%29'=>')'
$reserved = array(
$score = array(
return strtr(rawurlencode($url), array_merge($reserved,$unescaped,$score));
It basically rawurlencodes everything, and then decodes a few things back (as Zanlok suggested in his comment). This should conform to the Mozilla specs of encodeURI.
And following MDN, 'if one wishes to follow the more recent RFC3986 for URLs', add
function fixedEncodeURI($url) {
return strtr(encodeURI($url),array('%5B'=>'[', '%5D'=>']'));