I would like to convert these dates with format YYYYMMDD to a Date class.
dates <- data.frame(Date = c(\"20130707\", \"20130706\", \"20130705\", \"2013070
Classic R:
> start_numeric <- as.Date('20170215', format = '%Y%m%d');
> start_numeric
[1] "2017-02-15"
> format(start_numeric, "%Y%m%d")
[1] "20170215"
You need to provide the Date
column, not the entire data.frame
R> as.Date(dates[["Date"]], "%Y%m%d")
[1] "2013-07-07" "2013-07-06" "2013-07-05" "2013-07-04"
Use the lubridate package for an easy conversion:
date_test <- data.frame(Date = c("20130707", "20130706", "20130705", "20130704"))
date_test$Date <- ymd(date_test$Date)
1 2013-07-07
2 2013-07-06
3 2013-07-05
4 2013-07-04
An extra conversion to characters works for me:
Without the conversion the following error occurs:
Error in as.Date.numeric(dates, format = "%Y%m%d") :
'origin' must be supplied
Different error but this might help, works for POSIXct too, paste date and hours, format %Y%m%d%H