I often want to do some customization before one of the standard tasks are run. I realize I can make new tasks that executes existing tasks in the order I want, but I find t
As an update for the previous answer by @Paul Butcher, this could be done in a bit different way in SBT 1.x versions since <<==
is no longer supported. I took an example of a sample task to run before the compilation that I use in one of my projects:
lazy val wsdlImport = TaskKey[Unit]("wsdlImport", "Generates Java classes from WSDL")
wsdlImport := {
import sys.process._
"./wsdl/bin/wsdl_import.sh" !
// or do whatever stuff you need
(compile in Compile) := ((compile in Compile) dependsOn wsdlImport).value
This is very similar to how it was done before 1.x.
Also, there is another way suggested by official SBT docs, which is basically a composition of tasks (instead of dependencies hierarchy). Taking the same example as above:
(compile in Compile) := {
val w = wsdlImport.value
val c = (compile in Compile).value
// you can add more tasks to composition or perform some actions with them
It feels like giving more flexibility in some cases, though the first example looks a bit neater, as for me.
Tested on SBT 1.2.3 but should work with other 1.x as well.
Extending an existing task is documented the SBT documentation for Tasks (look at the section Modifying an Existing Task).
Something like this:
compile in Compile <<= (compile in Compile) map { _ =>
// what you want to happen after compile goes here
Actually, there is another way - define your task to depend on compile
prepareAppTask := (whatever you want to do) dependsOn compile
and then modify packageBin to depend on that:
packageBin <<= packageBin dependsOn prepareAppTask
(all of the above non-tested, but the general thrust should work, I hope).