I\'m working on angular
application with Django
with rest-framework
The app receives it\'s info with json from the server.. O
In addition to PSL's answer. This is how to override angular 1.3+ requirements to be a Date object.
<input type="date" ng-model="book.date" date-format/>
app.directive('dateFormat', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
//Angular 1.3 insert a formater that force to set model to date object, otherwise throw exception.
//Reset default angular formatters/parsers
ngModelCtrl.$formatters.length = 0;
ngModelCtrl.$parsers.length = 0;
It can be used with AngularFire $firebaseObject and works fine with $bindTo 3-way binding. No need to extend $firebaseObject service. It works in Ionic/cordova applications.
Working example on jsfiddle
Based on this answer
if date get reduced by 1 day, use this code,
new Date(moment.utc(value).format('l LT'))
Problem Actually this is date format issue, I have resolved this issue by using this piece of code. Solution: Below piece of code will solve this issue:
var options = {
weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "short",
day: "numeric", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit"
$scope.created_time = $scope.created_time.toLocaleTimeString("en-us", options);
where en-us format = "Friday, Feb 1, 2013 06:00 AM", hope this will help others to solve issue, i was facing such error and resolved with this.
I had this error and i directly used the object: I am posting the solution witch i carried out:
1:$userData.dob=new Date(userData.dob);
before 1 i faced above error then i directly created the object and assigned it to the edit scope and the problem got resolved.
If you get your data from a REST Service, you can simply convert your fields to Date.
$scope.data = data; // get row data
$scope.data.mydatefield = new Date($scope.data.mydatefield); // convert filed to date
This must be happening with angular 1.3+. 1.3+ on wards ng-model for date/time input needs to be a valid date object, string representation of date is no longer allowed. You need to convert string to date object ($scope.created_time = new Date(dateString)
) and bind it to the ng-model. If you follow the error link it has a clear description about the error and how to resolve it.
All date-related inputs like require the model to be a Date object. If the model is something else, this error will be thrown. Angular does not set validation errors on the in this case as those errors are shown to the user, but the erroneous state was caused by incorrect application logic and not by the user.