I had a question about the indexOf method. I want to find multiple cases of \"X\" in a string.
Suppose my string is \"x is x is x is x\", I want to find x in all of
You can specify the start index with indexOf. So, in your loop you store the last position of 'x', then search again using that index + 1.
String name = "alameer kaiser aziz";
String found = "a";
int num = name.indexOf(found);
while (num >=0) {
num = name.indexOf(found,num+1);
You want to find multiple characters in a specific string. Yes, you can do that. You can use the overloaded version of indexOf method. Website has descibed all the overloaded version of indexOf methods in detail.https://www.javaians.com/indexof-java/. You can read a detail guide on Java indexOf method.
Here is the solution with Streams API :
String text = "Lets search for E ?";
final char key = "e".charAt(0);
int[] indices = IntStream.range(0, text.length())
.filter(i -> text.charAt(i) == key)
Output will be like this :
If you want to add upper case letters into your result, you need to change the filter
's argument closure with :
.filter(i -> Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(i)) == key)
Then the output will be like this :
Additionally if you just want to use the results or print it out for quick testing purposes you can do it with using forEach
terminal operation:
IntStream.range(0, text.length())
.filter(i -> text.charAt(i) == key)
There's a another version of indexOf
method, taking fromIndex
as parameter.
So, you can call it in a loop, each time passing prevPosition + 1
as a second parameter.
http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#indexOf(int, int)
There is a second variant of the indexOf
method, which takes a start-index as a parameter.
i = str.indexOf('x');
while(i >= 0) {
i = str.indexOf('x', i+1);