Can a regular expression match whitespace or the start of a string?
I\'m trying to replace currency the abbreviation GBP with a £ symbol. I
You can always trim leading and trailing whitespace from the token before you search if it's not a matching/grouping situation that requires the full line.
A left-hand whitespace boundary - a position in the string that is either a string start or right after a whitespace character - can be expressed with
(?<!\S) # A negative lookbehind requiring no non-whitespace char immediately to the left of the current position
(?<=\s|^) # A positive lookbehind requiring a whitespace or start of string immediately to the left of the current position
(?:\s|^) # A non-capturing group matching either a whitespace or start of string
(\s|^) # A capturing group matching either a whitespace or start of string
See a regex demo. Python 3 demo:
import re
rx = r'(?<!\S)GBP([\W\d])'
text = 'GBP 5 Off when you spend GBP75.00'
print( re.sub(rx, r'£\1', text) )
# => £ 5 Off when you spend £75.00
Note you may use \1
instead of \g<1>
in the replacement pattern since there is no need in an unambiguous backreference when it is not followed with a digit.
BONUS: A right-hand whitespace boundary can be expressed with the following patterns:
(?!\S) # A negative lookahead requiring no non-whitespace char immediately to the right of the current position
(?=\s|$) # A positive lookahead requiring a whitespace or end of string immediately to the right of the current position
(?:\s|$) # A non-capturing group matching either a whitespace or end of string
(\s|$) # A capturing group matching either a whitespace or end of string
It works in Perl:
$text = 'GBP 5 off when you spend GBP75';
$text =~ s/(\W|^)GBP([\W\d])/$1\$$2/g;
printf "$text\n";
The output is:
$ 5 off when you spend $75
Note that I stipulated that the match should be global, to get all occurrences.
I think you're looking for '(^|\W)GBP([\W\d])'
is word boundary, which can be a white space, the beginning of a line or a non-alphanumeric symbol (\bGBP\b
This replaces GBP if it's preceded by the start of a string or a word boundary (which the start of a string already is), and after GBP comes a numeric value or a word boundary:
re.sub(u'\bGBP(?=\b|\d)', u'£', text)
This removes the need for any unnecessary backreferencing by using a lookahead. Inclusive enough?