I search but I can\'t find if it\'s possible to change the StatusBar color for each platform, from my portable code? (for Android, iOS & WinPhone 8.1
This works for me.
In the App.xaml
<Color x:Key="navBarRed">#AA0000</Color>
<Color x:Key="navBarBlue">#F4721C</Color>
<Color x:Key="navBarColour">#F4721C</Color>
<Style TargetType="NavigationPage">
<Setter Property="BarBackgroundColor" Value="{DynamicResource navBarColour}"/>
Then when you want to change the colour:
if (Condition == true)
App.Current.Resources["navBarColour"] = App.Current.Resources["navBarBlue"];
App.Current.Resources["navBarColour"] = App.Current.Resources["navBarRed"];